Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ipsy December Review

 Hello everyone! Welcome to another Jaqtastic Review! So sorry for the delays in my posting! I am having trouble with my hard drive for my laptop, so everything will not be posted in order.  Anyway, in case I haven't told you guys, I have recently cancelled most of my subscription services due to lack of funds. However, I have decided to keep Ipsy. It's just TOO good to give up.  With that said here is the...

                               D e c e m b e r   I p s y   R e v i e w

                                        Theme this month: Celebration!
The bag this month was absolutely gorgeous.  The black studded bag was sturdy, and inside was a lovely dark shade of red.  While the bag was not exactly as festive as the theme claimed it to be, it is perfect for most every day use and situations.  This will be given to my mother as a gift.

                                         The contents in the bag were as follow.