Tuesday, January 28, 2014

[EXPIRED] Deal Alert! PopSugar Must Have Code!

* P o p s u g a r   M u s t  H a v e *

Hello everyone! So I recently came across this AMAZING code for Popsugar.  It is a 50% off code, which is extremely rare to find, but oh so perfect for the Valentines and Month of Love that is approaching. Whether it be for someone special, or as a treat for your amazing self, you can essentially get the box for about $20 (a dollar or two more for tax).

Use Code: ASK50 to get 50% off your FIRST box only.  If you do not wish to recieve it monthly, you can buy the one month, and check off  the 'gift' option. Ta-da! (:  This is an amazing deal because you ALSO get FREE SHIPPING.  I only paid $21 for mines, sweet! Also, because this is for the Feb Box, it is said that you are GUARANTEED to get this by Valentines Day. Excited? I sure am.So sorry! The code is said to be expired now. Hopefully another such deal comes along (: Here's hoping this month will be awesome! Or at least decent.

 What is Popsugar?                     

"Hand-selected items in beauty, fashion, home, fitness, and food ||Full-size products and premium items || Only $39.95 a month, with free shipping"
Category: Lifestyle, beauty, fashion, fitness, food
Price: $39.95
Referral Link: Please click here to join. Thanks if you use it!

Check out my Review for the Popsugar Must Have January Box if you would like to see an example of things you may get (:

Enjoy and have a lovely day!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January PopSugar Must Have Box Review

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Jaqtastic Review.  Today, I will be reviewing the January Box of Popsugar, which I bought as a one time thing to try out.

This was shipped out by FedEx Smartpost, and for anyone unfamiliar with this...it is horrid. It took almost 2 weeks for delivery, and for the majority of time it was listed as 'N/A for Delivery'. Yikes. But after tearing through the box, I was amazed at how huge everything was (after seeing so many spoilers and being kind of 'meh' over it.)

Pretty inside.

6 Full Sized Products.

Contents of box:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ipsy January Review

Hello Everyone! Welcome to another Jaqtastic Review! Today I will be reviewing the January bag of Ipsy.  Now, I'm not sure if anyone has come across some of the forums, but many people did not seem pleased by this months contents. Whether it be because of the ridiculously small samples, or because the bag smelled of an extreme nasty plastic scent. Either way, here is my review!

 I p s y   J a n u a r y
Theme: 19 Reasons
The bag itself is a baby sky blue color, with pictures of products lined across as if it were a makeup city. The bag does not smell pleasant, in fact, I would advice putting your face anywhere near it. 

Contents of the bag:

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ipsy November Bag Review

Hello welcome to another Jaqtastic Review! Today I will be reviewing the November Ipsy Bag.

N o v e m b e r   I p s y   B a g
                                                               Theme: Glam it Up!

Novembers bag wasn't exactly what I expected.  A part of me felt uninterested in what was being given out, however I was crossing my fingers in getting a colored eyeliner and some form of lip product.  The bag itself was a bit on the odd side.  It sparkled and shone under every type of light- whether it be dimmed or bright.  


The bag itself was gold on the outside, with a diamond design to it.  Inside, a bright bold pink etched the inner contents of the bag.  I decided to give this bag to my mother, since it matched her more.

Contents of the bag:

Friday, January 3, 2014

Taste Trunk Review

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Jaqtastic Reviews.  Recently I was able to snag a Buy 1 Get 1 free deal from Taste Trunk. Being the food lover that I am, I snagged the deal, in hopes that I can surprise my father with it.  Surprisingly, this came two days earlier than expected!

T a s t e   T r u n k 
I ordered the Gourmet Trunk, in hopes that there would be some sauces that my father can use for cooking.  Boy, was he delighted by what he found! It was packaged quite  nicely.  Both boxes were in a usps box, encased together.  Upon opening the box, everything was covered in black paper, and tied with a pretty purple string (which later became a toy for my two cats).   There was also an envelope in the box.

What's in the bag?

It reminded me of back in the very old days, beyond the time when I was born. Perhaps that of the ages of my grandparents.  The designs of an olden newspaper was a very delightful thing to see. It made me smile.

Note cards with recipe ideas and info about products.

C o n t e n t s: